We stand for these values
Passion for Sales
We love to sell: No gobbledygook, just serious advice. We help our customers achieve their goals. Everywhere.
We offer everyone the same opportunity - no matter how old you are, where you come from, what you stand for, what you believe in, or what you've learned.
We are different
We are different: young, dynamic, multicultural, personal and loyal.
We are willing to take risks - never afraid. Always ready to make mistakes. But never the same one twice! We think big and want to grow. Gladly with you!
Team spirit
We involve people, let them have their say and help shape things, we give second chances and pull together. We lose and win together!
We live partnership! With our product partners, our employees and our sales department. We are passionate about what we do and deliver what we promise. That makes us special.
Our commitment to rhinos and the WWF

More than just a logo
"Zum Rhino haben wir einen ganz besonderen Bezug, da dieses nicht ohne Grund auch unser Logo-Maskottchen ist. Diese Spende ist für uns eine Herzensangelegenheit - da gehen wir gerne mit gutem Beispiel voran", unterstreicht Tobias Mehrer (CEO, Ranger Marketing) die Bedeutung des Engagements für alle Ranger Mitarbeiter. Das Rhino ist eine von nur noch fünf existierenden Nashorn-Arten. Die Anzahl der vom Aussterben bedrohten Spitzmaulnashörnern liegt bei nur noch 2.000 Tieren.

Nationwide provision of our services
We are represented throughout Europe with over 300 locations. In Germany alone, with 115 locations, we offer you nationwide provision of our services - from Kiel to Augsburg.
From Kiel to Augsburg, from Frankfurt (Oder) to Kleve. We are close to you!
As part of the Ströer Group, we distribute the best products from the telecommunications, energy, media & TV sectors. Renowned product partners such as Deutsche Telekom, EON, Innogy and Kabel Deutschland have trusted us for years and place parts of their sales in our hands. We can prove to them time and again that we are professionals in our field and deliver consistent successes
Locations where we operate regionally and internationally
Ströer Group
Part of Germany's leading outdoor and digital advertiser
Successfully sold products for private and business customers per year
Since 1992
successful in sales

Best product marketing through synergy effects
Together with our companies, we can offer you premium product marketing along the entire customer journey.

![[Translate to English:]](/fileadmin/_processed_/8/3/csm_Ben_Prause_ecaf186ac8.jpg)
This is our team

Let us advise you personally!